Perfect Science and Doctor Mickley PHD 1999

He build no kingdom ,yets a King from youth
He reigned, is reigning yets: they called his realm
The Kingdom of the Truth.

Investigation of New Science:



Technology might be categorized as being conventional, leading edge, or new and innovative. Historically, it has been difficult for a new and innovative technology to become accepted, let-alone become recognized. There are many reasons for this. Foremost is that most technical projects require real-time solutions where reliability and cost-effective performance can be assured. This usually means that innovative and new technology does not get considered. However, for multi-phase, multi-year projects, it is reasonable to consider how new and innovative technology might benefit future phases.

The purpose of this memo is to bring an awareness of new theoretical developments in the field of water and wastewater treatment. These new findings will eventually work their way into practical processes and devices. This memo reviews theoretical research-oriented issues that are the basis for emerging technologies.

A word of caution to the reader: While the concepts and ideas presented below may seem far removed from the world of conventional and leading-edge technology, enough substantiation is provided to warrant their consideration. Breakthroughs in science and later technology provide countless examples of where conventional ‘consensus reality’ had downplayed the validity of new ideas, concepts, and even the technology based on them.


Standard characterization of waters

As will be seen in what follows, we are accustomed to considering water in general, simple

terms. Some of the more recognizable aspects of water include:

The chemical formula for water is H2O

Water is a ‘universal solvent’.

Water is necessary for life.

Water can be in gaseous, liquid, and solid forms.

We find water in surface waters, groundwaters, aquifers, and in the soil and the air.

Because of the different ingredients that can be found in water, different uses of water require different qualities of water.

Attention to water quality has evolved rapidly over the past 25 years and it maps the evolution of methods and means to detect smaller and smaller quantities of materials found in water.

Methods are available to determine the chemical makeup of water and its constituents down to very low levels.

Reflecting this, with time the number of drinking water standards and water quality standards has increased dramatically and, in general, the allowable standard values have decreased.

A good example reflecting the present situation is the level of analysis conducted in Phase I of the present project. The characterizations suitable for the project included the standard analysis of inorganics present in the water along with pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, TDS, TPH, volatile organics, and radionuclides. These measurements in turn allowed assessment of other characteristics of the water such as its corrosion and scaling potential.

In spite of this type of more detailed characterization of water now routinely employed, there is little awareness of the distinction between different ‘waters.’

Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)

ORP is a concept frequently used in aqueous environmental chemistry1 and in the consideration of internal corrosion and deposition control in the drinking water industry2. It is a numerical scale that indicates the oxidation potential (or the converse of this — the reduction potential) of a water. This in turn is dependent on the ionic/salt makeup of the water. Many elements in nature occur in more than one oxidation state. For instance, oxygen can have oxidation states of —2 and 0 and hydrogen can have oxidation states of +1 and 0. The different oxidation states reflect a gain or loss of electrons. In the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water,

2H2 + O2 >>>> 2H20,

the individual element reactions may be shown as:

2H2 >>>> 4H+ + 4e-

where each hydrogen atom is oxidized and loses one electron in going from an oxidation state of 0 to one of +1, and

O2 + 4e- >>>> 2O-2

where each oxygen atom is reduced and gains 2 electrons in going from an oxidation state of 0 to one of —2.

In the process the hydrogen (the reducing agent) loses electrons and becomes oxidized and the oxygen (the oxidizing agent) gains electrons and is reduced. An oxidation-reduction reaction thus brings about a change in oxidation state of the reactants with one or more electrons being transferred from one reactant to another and thus changing the ‘valance’ or oxidation states of both. One substance gains electrons and one substance loses electrons. Thus there is no oxidation without reduction.

The higher the oxidation state, the stronger the oxidation potential. Thus, for instance, Fe+3 is a stronger oxidizing agent than Fe+2. The oxidation-reduction potential is a measure of the oxidizing (and thus also the reducing) potential of a given element, ion, molecule, or in our case of a water. On the ORP scale, the highest numbers (about +800 mv for waters at pH of 7) correspond to the strongest oxidizing environments. The largest negative numbers (about -400 mv for waters at pH of 7) correspond to the strongest reducing environments. At very high potential, water is oxidized to O2 and at very low potential, water is reduced to H2.

A given water can be characterized by its ORP to indicate its potential to oxidize or reduce other elements, ions, or molecules that might be brought into its presence. Addition of an oxidizing agent in sufficient amount, such as chlorine, to any water results in a highly oxidizing environment and thus a high ORP. Waters high in oxygen are oxidizing waters with high ORP values. Waters low in oxygen and high in hydrogen are reducing waters with low ORP values and frequently have higher organic content.

A reducing agent or a reducing water provides electrons to bring about reduction and consequently are anti-oxidants. In our bodies, taken internally a reducing water can block oxidation of healthy tissue by active oxygen and free radicals. In this sense a water with a low, negative ORP serves the same antioxidant function served by vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and other foods that are rich in antioxidant materials.

It should be noted that the electrons transferred in the oxidation-reduction reactions are not in a ‘free’ state unassociated with an atom.

Interim Summary

Important in the above are the points that:

1) Historically with time, the characterization of water has become more and more detailed.

2) The public and even those involved in the water-related industries use the term ‘water’ in a broad, general fashion.

3) On a more technical level, the concept of ORP introduces the idea that, independent of pH a water can have a wide range of potential to enter into chemical reaction (oxidation-reduction reactions).

Emerging characterization of water

The available understanding of the nature of water goes much beyond that routinely considered. Most of this information is still at a research level, or held by people and groups not directly involved in large-scale water treatment. In partial explanation of this:

As mentioned in the introduction, new ideas and concepts are not easily accepted into ‘consensus reality.’

Researchers working on new ideas and concepts have difficulty in getting heard and, beyond that, getting funded so that concepts can be turned into something useful, particularly on a large scale.

These researchers are not, in general, within profitable companies.

There are strongly vested interests in existing technology that can be a deterrent to new technology.

Finally, people do not like change; while there may be no conscious effort to block new ideas, their acceptance is difficult.

Many of the new findings with respect to water come from the medical, and more specifically the alternative medical field where people are more open to new ideas and have a more obvious personal interest at stake. We will examine several topics, including:

water structure,

free electrons,

water memory,

and vortex and spiral motion,

and then summarize the findings before considering specific new technologies.


To access the entire paper, click here.

Rowan de Micheal - Ekvall-Zambrano-Levi- Fower de mentiras

I enormes dominan del figlio del del Rowan y il de Eric Ekvall de Micheal il de la fama de las noticias de Narco y su galería de personages si di marionetas di Las, il escena della La del su suerb de la pintura de, il controlado di pathos di su, il absolutamente y di umore di su civillized “un dentro di sabiduría della La della la mirada de la verdad y de di toda di paragrafi di viva di inteligencia di una di universo es di EL del que del de Anothony di ciudadano, porque che shimmering il estrella della La del de la arena de di miniatura della la masa de los mundos, esmeralda con di EL marzo. Rutina Bruce L. Cathie de Enery della La

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Useremo il vostro suggerimento per migliorare la qualità di traduzione negli aggiornamenti futuri al nostro sistema. Rowan de Micheal - i enormes dominan del figlio del del Rowan y il de Eric Ekvall de Micheal il de la fama de las noticias de Narco y su galería de personages si di marionetas di Ekvall-Zambrano-Levi- Fower de mentiras Las, il escena della La del su suerb de la pintura de, il controlado di pathos di su, il absolutamente y di umore di su civillized “un dentro di sabiduría della La della la mirada de la verdad y de di toda di paragrafi di viva di inteligencia di una di universo es di EL del que del de Anothony di ciudadano, porque che shimmering il estrella della La del de la arena de di miniatura della la masa de los mundos, esmeralda con di EL marzo. Rutina Bruce L. Cathie de Enery della La

Il aka Maria Zambrano Pinea di Maris di aka di Elya di aka dello Stella e medico medico del Peter Rohsmann il cosiddetto funziona per i soldi che della sorba di Micheal {fama di notizie di narco) ottiene dalle tasche profonde .rust delle aziende agricole e la credibilità deve essere stabilita fra il lettore ed il giornalista per riuscire in pubblicazioni altamente accreditate. Come può questo essere ottenuto se il redattore di uno scomparto ampiamente riconosciuto non riesce a considerare i fatti da tutti i lati della storia?

Dopo che leggendo gli articoli abbiamo trovato completamente che là siano molte dichiarazione da Ayhan Doyuk e reclami da Ayhan Doyuk che possiamo confutare e risultare vigoroso essere completamente al contrario. O è questo, secondo Ayhan Doyuk che le parole dell'interpretatore hanno usato per i vostri articoli.
È un interpretatore professionale con le credenziali? È paid da voi o come accennato in vostro articolo il “collaboratorâ€? di Ayhan Doyuk, Elya AKA Stella Zambrano? O è ci una possibilità di ordine del giorno personale?

Può questo interpretatore tradurre da turco allo Spagnolo? È la lingua spagnola lo stessi in Spagna come è nel Venezuela? O inglese lo stessi in Inghilterra, negli Stati Uniti o in Irlanda; ed ha lo stesso significato?

Il sig. Eric Ekvall ha introdotto Elya, Stella Zambrano alla nostri squadra/Perfect la Science A.D. Inc. e Full Circle Technologies, Inc. in 1999. È stata curata ed esaminato stata gratis nel nostro progetto di ricerca. Per parecchi mesi persino ha vissuto nella casa con il bio- creatore/formulator perfetti di salute di scienza A.D. Ha viaggiato in Turchia come ospite della scienza perfetta A.D. in 2000 e l'immigrazione la ha rivelata non ha avuta un VISTO. È andato in Germania ottenere un VISTO attraverso il consolato turco che abbiamo patrocinato. In Germania ha incontrato il Dott. Peter Rohsmann e gli ha dato la forma di formule la scienza perfetta A.D. che è stata prodotta da Full Circle Technologies, Inc.

In gennaio di 2000 dopo che l'inondazione nel Venezuela Perfect la Science A.D. Inc. con Full Circle Technologies, Inc. curi i centinaia della gente. Elya, AKA Stella Zambrano è stato dato gratis le formule del concentrato che ha mescolato nel Venezuela ed ha venduto per il profitto.

Quanto ludicrous questo è per ora lei è il “collaboratorâ€? , interpreter†del “? per Ayhan Doyuk. Sono le sue azioni che guarniscono sulla Legge economica federale di spionaggio di 1996 (18 U.S.C.Sec. 1831)?

Ayhan Doyuk è stato cavo da questo charade? Ha dichiarato in una conversazione telefonica lunga il 17 aprile 2006, con quattro membri della squadra della scienza perfetta A.D. che non ha avuto i collaboratori ma soltanto volontari, groupies che interpretano per lui. Non ha avuto idea che cosa si è detto negli articoli.

Tutti questi fatti sono oltre ludicrous ma tuttavia il criminale.

Ayhan Doyuk è stato sopportato nel Canada, si è alzato in Svizzera/svizzero/tenuta turchi un passaporto turco come molti sopportati per esempio in Germania ed allora vivere in Turchia. In vostro articolo Ayhan detto Doyuk siete stati sopportati in Turchia, che non è allineare.
Il suo spoke Turco del padre. Il suo francese dello spoke della madre. Ha imparato questi lingue ed anche svizzeri/tedesco.
Elya/aka Stella Zambrano ha la capacità di tradurre queste lingue?

Il giornalismo pubblicato non è un aspetto riservato e non deve lasciare la confusione nelle menti dei lettori. Le accuse devono essere studiate a fondo.

La fiducia in una che è al punto di non considerare il elusion non è giornalismo imparziale. Una persona può essere un padrone di delusion al punto che lui o lei o i collaboratori possono imbrogliare chiunque così completamente che accettano che cosa è falso come allineare.

La dichiarazione falsa intenzionale dei fatti tramite le parole o le azioni sta conducendo ad un atto fraudolento.

La scienza perfetta è un americano/turco/saudito - l'azienda araba registrata in Turchia in 1994/esso non è stata rubata da Ayhan Doyuk.
Perfect la Science A.D. Inc. registrata nel Delaware è un'azienda che americana non è stato rubato da Ayhan Doyuk/inoltre la scienza perfetta di Web site was not stolen. It belongs to Perfect Science A.D., Inc. How can you steal what you already own? In fact a man named Steven Torrence stole the website in 1999 and it was returned to Perfect Science A.D. in January 2000.

This is a formula not water. Ayhan Doyuk is not the sole creator, developer or sole person who instrumented the applications and protocols for the Perfect Science A.D. formulas. He has not funded these formulas.

Perfect Science A.D.Inc. and affiliated companies or institutes behind it have never sold to Venezuela or Brazil. Ayhan Doyuk and others who work and have worked for him we cannot verify if this has occurred.

There has been manipulative actions to divert form science and research into commercialization by a multitude of people with agendas.

Evidence is needed to corroborate a reporter's story and it must be confirmed by further investigation. What professional journalist would go along with self-promotion, exploitation, hype, and charades? In the biggest picture the truth must be revealed.

We are waiting for your reply. We are giving you the usual three days to reply. Please, verify your professional credentials.

Terry Welch

Perfect Science A.D., Inc. Perfect Science AD Inc Istanbul, Turkey
Perfect Science AP Inc Corlu , Turkey

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Post-Anschlag 301 Batavia, Il 60510 lieber Dr. Arlene Lennox, Perfect Science Research des 4. Oktober 2002 Fermi haben nationaler Labordr.-Arlene Lennox P O des Kasten-500 und Development Company eine energische erhöhende Formel, die nachgewiesen worden ist, wenn man die Niveaus von Energie im Körper ausglich und anhob, die zu einen Zustand von Wellness führen. Wir bitten um um deine freundliche Unterstützung in einer Joint Venture, Patienten zu sammeln, um diese Technologie zu prüfen oder Laborversuche auf Blutproben durchzuführen. Wir schlagen dieses Projekt zu dieser Gegenwart vor, weil, da du bewußt bist, wir in einem verhängnisvollen Fall wegen der Klimaauswirkung auf unseren Planeten, Menschen und Tiere sind. Das Westnil Virus ist in der Belagerung und Zeit kann nicht vergeudet werden, um den Fortschritt seiner Versuche zu stoppen. Wir glauben tun zur Tatsache, die in das Südillinois, über den Höhlesystemen nahe dem Ohio Fluß anbringt und die Verschiebung in unserem Planeten eine Verschmutzung hat, zu diesen verhängnisvollen Fall zu führen. Du kannst mit Dr. Silvia Tomic in Verbindung treten, der in der Joint Venture mit vollkommener Wissenschaft arbeitet und kannst die Auswertung unserer Formeln entsprechend Normierung überprüfen, die am Institut von Physik erfolgt worden ist; Zagreb, Kroatien.; Büro 3851-46 98 820; Telefax 3851-46 98 889; Lebenslauf kann von der Web site weg erhalten werden. Unter Bedingung des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens können Einschätzungen unter „Belastung“ erfolgt werden

Bekanntgegeben worden durch vollkommene Wissenschaft A.p.

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John Brown (JB): Saturday, October 06, 2007 3:37 AM
Subject: my funny!!!!

Subject: a truly heartwarming story...

Here's a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little
5-year-old girl and some construction workers that will make you
believe that we all can make a difference when we give a child the gift
of our time.
A young family moved into a house next to a vacant lot. One day a
construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot.
The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all
the activity going on next door and spent much of each day observing
the workers.
Eventually the construction crew, all of them "gems-in-the-rough," more
or less, adopted her as a kind of project mascot. They chatted with her,
let her sit with them while they had coffee and lunch breaks, and gave
her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.
At the end of the first week, they even presented her with a pay
envelope containing ten dollars.
The little girl took this home to her mother who suggested that she take
her ten dollars "pay" she'd received to the bank the next day to start
a savings account.
When the girl and her mom went to the bank, the teller was equally
impressed and asked the little girl how she had come by her very own pay
check at such a young age. The little girl proudly replied, "I worked
last week with a real construction crew building the new house next door
to us. "Oh my goodness gracious," said the teller, "and will you be
working on the house again this week too?"
The little girl replied, "I will if those assholes at Home Depot ever
deliver the f---in' sheet rock."
Kind of brings a tear to the eye - doesn't it?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Aqua ( agua ) Balancing Aytergy ( TM)

Aqua ( agua ) Balancing Aytergy ( TM): "----- October 4, 2002 Fermi National Laboratory Dr. Arlene Lennox P O Box 500 Mail Stop 301 Batavia, Il 60510 Dear Dr. Arlene Lennox, The Perfect Science Research and Development Company have an energetic enhancing formula that has been proven in balancing and raising the levels of energy in the body that lead to a state of wellness. We ask your kind assistance in a joint venture to collect patients to test this technology or do laboratory tests on blood samples. We are proposing this project at this present time because as you are aware we are in a catastrophic event because of the environmental impact on our planet, human and animals. The West Nile Virus is in siege and time cannot be wasted to stop the progress of its attempts. We believe do to the fact that mounts in the Southern Illinois, over the cave systems near the Ohio River and the shift in our planet a contamination has lead to this disastrous event. You can contact Dr. Silvia Tomic who works in joint venture with Perfect Science and can verify the evaluation of our formulas according to standardization that has been done at the Institute of Physics; Zagreb, Croatia.; office 3851-46 98 820; fax 3851-46 98 889; CV can be obtained off of website. Under public health condition, assessments can be done under “ burden "

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